3D Animal - Group 1
The target has 6 different Targetzones and can be used for groups 1, 3 and 4. H: 820mm B: 560mm T: 520mm Gewicht: 27kg Achtung: nur gegen Selbstabholung oder nach Rücksprache!!! Zielzonen: 1, 3 und 4 Wir rufen in periodischen Abstä...
783,00 €
Blessbucks (Damaliscus Pygargus) are named due to their pale spot on the face, which stands out to their dark brown fur. The antelope was almost extinct in the past, but their numbers have recovered. H: 1.220mm B: 350mm T: 1.300mm Gewicht: 21,2kg Zi...
601,00 €
This item cannot be shipped ! If you add this item to your shopping cart, you will not be able to complete the order process. If you are interested in purchasing this product, please contact us by mail, via live chat or by using the contact form. The...
1.578,00 €
This item cannot be shipped ! If you add this item to your shopping cart, you will not be able to complete the order process. If you are interested in purchasing this product, please contact us by mail, via live chat or by using the contact form. H:...
2.097,00 €
The majestic Kudu (Strepsiceros strepsiceros) is characterized by its long, twisted horns. The species is found in many African savannah areas. The male Kudu is weighing up to 350 kg and gets up to 15 years old. They have long legs and 4-12 vertical ...
1.352,00 €
The Nyala is located in the southern part of Africa. Only males have horns (60-80 cm), which are crowned with yellow/white laces in their old age. Among the spiral-horned antelopes, they show the greatest difference between male and female specimens....
981,00 €
H: 1.200 mm W: 1.430 mm D: 300 mm weight: 36 kg...
816,00 €
Signature/Competition Series #459 | Height 31" | Length 34" Simulated Wt. 100 lb....
699,95 €
Target parts: 3 N. of rings: 2 Length: 100 cm Height: 110 cm Group: Group 1...
628,95 €
Target parts: 3 N. of rings: 2 Length: 90 cm Height: 86 cm Group: Group 1...
345,95 €
Target parts: 3 N. of rings: 2 Length: 90 cm Height: 86 cm Group: Group 1...
345,95 €
Target parts: 2 N. of rings: 2 Length: 97 cm Height: 90 cm Group: Group 1...
446,95 €