Asen at Bogentandler

H: 550mm B: 350mm T: 950mm Weight:: 9kg Targetzone: 4 Gruppe: 3 Wir rufen in periodischen Abständen Waren dieses Lieferanten ab. Um Ihnen jedoch längere Wartezeiten im Falle von eventuellen Produktionsvorlaufzeiten etc. zu erspare...
347,00 €
Baboons (papio) are amongst the most infamous animals in South Africa. Because of their destructive behaviour towards agriculture, they are a plague for many farmers. Among our 3d animals, it is one of the most popular target. In real life, size and ...
369,00 €
The Little Baboon belongs to the "school targets". Our school and training targets are designed for young shooters and traditional shooters. The material is appropriately soft and covers poundages of 15-50 pounds. In addition, the Killzone ...
268,00 €
The target has 6 different Targetzones and can be used for groups 1, 3 and 4. H: 820mm B: 560mm T: 520mm Gewicht: 27kg Achtung: nur gegen Selbstabholung oder nach Rücksprache!!! Zielzonen: 1, 3 und 4 Wir rufen in periodischen Abstä...
783,00 €
The Beaver (Castoridae) is especially known for its castoreum. The castoreum is the animals gland secretion, which is actually only used to maintain the fur and to mark the territory. Formerly it was used as a remedy for different ailments. It was so...
243,00 €
Blessbucks (Damaliscus Pygargus) are named due to their pale spot on the face, which stands out to their dark brown fur. The antelope was almost extinct in the past, but their numbers have recovered. H: 1.220mm B: 350mm T: 1.300mm Gewicht: 21,2kg Zi...
601,00 €
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1.578,00 €
The Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) is a very shy animal. The medium-sized antelope lives in dense bushes and flees at the smallest possible threat. In some subspecies in South Africa the white spots on the body are barely recognizable. When the flee...
451,00 €
Bush pigs (Potamochoerus larvatus) are mostly active at night. They sleep in self-dug holes and in dense bushes. Their main enemy is the leopard. If they are cornered, they are quite dangerous. Bush pigs reach a length of 100 to 150 centimeters, a sh...
396,00 €
H: 330mm B: 330mm T: 200mm Gewicht: 2kg Zielzonen: 3 Wir rufen in periodischen Abständen Waren dieses Lieferanten ab. Um Ihnen jedoch längere Wartezeiten im Falle von eventuellen Produktionsvorlaufzeiten etc. zu erspar...
102,00 €
Chameleons (Chamaeleonidae) have a 360 ° panoramic view and can move their eyes independently of each other. Some chameleon species can change their color, with the advantage of absorbing sunlight better, or confusing attackers. Two chameleons ca...
365,00 €