Gold Tip at Bogentandler

Gold Tip is a renowned manufacturer of carbon shafts at the highest level. Shafts from Gold Tip are considered innovative, robust and precise. They are made of the best materials used in the aircraft industry.
Bitte bestellen Sie immer nur ein Vielfaches von 3 , also 3 Stück, 6 Stück, 9 Stück etc.; Sie bekommen andernfalls später im Warenkorb eine Fehlermeldung "ungültige Stückzahl"! Dieses Collar ist eines von zwei...
2,89 €
Gold Tip .204 Series Pin Bushing SMALL - fits Spines 300, 400 and 500 fits all pin nocks weight 11,5 grains only available in full dozen (12 pins per bag)...
16,95 €
fits all pin nocks weight 11,6 grains Please order only in multiples of 3 , ie 3, 6, 9 pieces etc, otherwise you will get an error message "invalid quantity" in the shopping cart!...
1,55 €
Gold Tip hat viel Entwicklungsarbeit in die Accu Lite Inserts gesteckt, um die Klebehaftung und Präzision auf höchstem Niveau zu gewährleisten. In Bezug auf Material und Herstellung geht Gold Tip hier keinerlei Kompromisse ein. Hochwertiges Alumin...
1,09 €
Präzise und leicht Stecknocke für unsere Gold Tip Pfeile. Die widerstandsfähige Nocke spart Gewicht und optimiert die Leistung Ihres Carbonschaftes. Farben: weiss, schwarz, gelb, fl. grün, fl. orange Gewicht: 8,3 grain Ausf&...
0,95 €
Gold Tip glue in points are made from hardened stainless steel, offer seemless fit, tight weight tolerances and are equipped to utilize Gold Tip's FACT weight system. Please order only in multiples of 3 , ie 3, 6, 9 pieces etc, otherwise you wil...
2,95 €
Gold Tip glue in points are made from hardened stainless steel, offer seemless fit, tight weight tolerances and are equipped to utilize Gold Tip's FACT weight system. Please order only in multiples of 3 , ie 3, 6, 9 pieces etc, otherwise you wil...
3,05 €
precisely manufactured nock suitable for 0,204" shafts (Kinetic Series and Traditional Classic) weight: 11,6 grains fits 0,204" shafts only available in full dozens (12 Nocks per bag) Please order only in multiples of 3 , ie 3, 6, 9 pieces...
11,95 €
Easily add more weight to your inserts or glue in points with Gold Tip's FACT weight system. Weight screws may be installed before inserts or points are installed or after with the use of the extended FACT weight wrench. Available in 10 grains (A...
1,15 €
FACT weight system wrench allows you to install or remove FACT weight screws while the points are installed in the arrow, offering ultimate customization and tuning....
10,95 €
GT .246 Series nocks fit directly into .246 inside diameter arrows or arrows with .246 nock bushings installed. Gold Tip nocks are manufactured from 100% virgin materials, yeilding the toughest and straightest nocks in the industry. weight 12,2 grain...
0,75 €