Asen at Bogentandler

H: 290mm B: 590mm T: 350mm Gewicht: 4,4kg Zielzonen: 4 Wir rufen in periodischen Abständen Waren dieses Lieferanten ab. Um Ihnen jedoch längere Wartezeiten im Falle von eventuellen Produktionsvorlaufzeiten etc. zu ersparen, ...
198,00 €
The nocturnal Honey Badger (Mellivora capensis) is a predatory african animal. The black and white animal with long claws and sharp teeth, is considered the most fearless animal in the world. By their courage and their thick skin they do not shy away...
204,00 €
The spotted Hyena (Crocuta Crocuta) carries its name due to the dots on their fur. They live in groups led by a dominant female. Through vocalization sounds , or through their known "laughter", they communicate with group members over a dis...
381,00 €
The small Hyena belongs to the "school targets". Our school and training targets are designed for young shooters and traditional shooters. The material is appropriately soft and covers poundages of 15-50 pounds. In addition, the Killzone is...
239,00 €
Unlike the male counterpart, the female Impala (Aepyceros melampus) does not wear horns. Thanks to the slender, graceful figure they are excellent sprinters. H: 120mm B: 300mm T: 1.260mm Gewicht: 13kg Zielzonen: 2 Wir rufen in periodis...
436,00 €
The Impala (Aepyceros Melampus) is also called Black heel antelope because of the black tufts of hair they wear on the hindlegs. The black mark on the back is called dorsal stripe. Thanks to the slender, graceful figure they are excellent sprinters. ...
461,00 €
The social jackal (Canis adustus) is a wolf-like wild dog. He has a loyal soul, lives very locally in close family associations and fixed marriage until the end of his life. Wild jackals get up to 6 years old, in human custody they can even achieve a...
198,00 €
The majestic Kudu (Strepsiceros strepsiceros) is characterized by its long, twisted horns. The species is found in many African savannah areas. The male Kudu is weighing up to 350 kg and gets up to 15 years old. They have long legs and 4-12 vertical ...
1.352,00 €
Beschreibung folgt. H: 890mm B: 630mm T: 1.340mm Gewicht: 20kg Zielzonen: 2 Wir rufen in periodischen Abständen Waren dieses Lieferanten ab. Um Ihnen jedoch längere Wartezeiten im Falle von eventuellen Produktionsvorlaufzeite...
707,00 €
Our sitting monkey on the tree trunk is a southern Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus Pygerythrus), which is located in eastern and southern Africa. They live together in groups of up to 50 animals. In hotel resorts or lodges you should be careful not to lea...
217,00 €
The Nyala is located in the southern part of Africa. Only males have horns (60-80 cm), which are crowned with yellow/white laces in their old age. Among the spiral-horned antelopes, they show the greatest difference between male and female specimens....
981,00 €
The Otter (Lutra Lutra) is one of the best swimmers amongst all land predators. Otters can blow air into their extremely dense fur. This allows them to drift on the water's surface without going under. They keep their eyes shut with their paws, s...
169,00 €