Einteilige Jagd-Recurvebögen
bitte beachten Sie: wenn nicht anders angegeben, ist davon auszugehen, dass die Bögen ohne Sehne und ohne Pfeilauflage etc. geliefert werden. Falls im Vorhinein etwa unklar ist, fragen Sie bitte nach.
The Catan is the performance fiedlbow you want! The stunning looks in combination with Carbon and the exotic hard woods makes this bow a performer in the field. AMO Length: 62 inch Recommended Brace Height: 7.5 - 8.25 inch Included Accessories: ...
249,95 €
The Garuda with his 64 inch makes a great performing fieldbow but with a silky smooth drawcurve. This bow is ideal for the archer that wants a fieldbow but has that longer drawlength. The Garuda is available in a dark green and a red finish. AMO Leng...
229,95 €
Einteiliger Jagdrecurve Lapwing Black von White Feather sehr schöner und günstiger einteiliger Recurvebogen Wurfarme sind mit schwarzen Fiberglas überzogen, dies sorgt dafür, dass die Wurfarme in einem geschmeidigen, glänzend...
152,95 €
The Sirin makes with his 62 inch the perfect combination between speed and comfort, without sacrificing accuracy AMO Length: 62 inch Recommended Brace Height: 7.5 - 8.25 inch Included Accessories: Fast Flight String, Hair Rest and Strike Plate F...
184,95 €
The 62" Vermillion is the perfect starter bow for beginner target archers and kids. It has a classic design and shoots very smooth. AMO Length: 62 inch Recommended Brace Height: 7.5 - 8.25 inch Included Accessories: Fast Flight String,...
162,95 €